The "Gazette" will be available free of charge in print and online during the competition events. It will include not only hot takes on individual audition sessions, but also stage summaries, essays, repertoire discussions, columns, archives, and a special series of “Vistas of Henryk Wieniawski," familiarizing the biography of the competition's namesake through the places he frequented. Each issue will also feature a conversation - with violinists, jury members, violin makers, accompanists or conductors.
A total of 13 issues of the "Gazette" will be published - each will be available in Polish and English. The editorial team includes: Lucja Siedlik, Krzysztof Stefanski, Piotr Mika and Bartosz Witkowski. Marek Knap is responsible for the project, and Karolina Kolinek-Siechowicz is the editor-in-chief.
"It is the participants in the Competition who can make the music lovers in the UAM Auditorium gasp in admiration, make jury members exchange appreciative glances, make radio broadcast listeners stop whatever they are doing," says Karolina Kolinek-Siechowicz. "We are very much looking forward to these moments and, as editors of the Wieniawski Competition Gazette, we are here to listen to them attentively and then record them and provide them for our readers to read," she adds.
"Due to its pedigree, its gallery of outstanding laureates, its excellent jury, its prize pool, and its arch-interesting set of participants, Poznań with its Competition will become the center of the musical world in the coming weeks," says Daniel Cichy, editor-in-chief of #. "It is a great pleasure for us to follow the proceedings of the competition in depth on the pages of the “Wieniawski Competition Gazette”, created by the team of the biweekly ""Ruch Muzyczny"" magazine.